About Me

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I am 24 years old and a student at the University of South Alabama. I am majoring in English and Secondary Education. I am currently expecting my first child, due August 10, 2010. I started this blog for my EDM 310 class and I hope you all enjoy reading my posts!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Blog post for 4/4

Dear Kaia

Kaia is a three year old girl in Qatar. She and her father went outside one day to take pictures of everything they saw. Her father was concerned that even though they live in the desert surrounded by garbage and construction, that his daughter wasn't spending enough time outside. She took pictures of everything she saw, including cars, the ground and the sunset. She and her father made a photo essay and posted it on his blog. The video received tons of comments, many from a Mr. Chamberlain's class in Missouri. They were doing Comments 4 Kids and came across Kaia's video. Her father Skyped the classroom and asked that they use voice threads or video to comment on Kaia's page since she can't read yet. The class made her a video of pictures and voiced comments and posted it to they're class blog.

This is an amazing advancement. It's insane to think that a class in our country is commenting on a girls photos in Qatar, and that they are able to communicate so quickly, by a few clicks. If this is the way technology is affecting our world today, I can only imagine how much it will change in the next 10 years. I look forward to my days as a teacher just a little more now. Our children's educational future seems bright!


  1. Lauren,
    I was also SO amazing by this little girl and her father! I love to see technology used like this. This is the very reason that I believe that children should be given EVERY avenue and opportunity to learn and not be held back by people who don't think it's necessary that teachers change the way we teach children because of technology. In my opinion it's not only necessary and REQUIRED!

  2. Lauren,
    I completely agree! I was really amazed at this too! I think it is so great that her dad is exposing her to this technology at such a young age. I am excited to see things in our future as educators! :) Have a great week.

  3. I am so glad her dad took the initiative to show his daughter a world beyond the back door by creating a blog for her. There are so many opportunities for students to learn now. It will be amazing, once I get into a classroom, to help lead students on a part of their educational journey.
